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Saturday, February 19, 2011

The Economy

The Economy 
The economy is suffering but there are several ways Americans can get back on our feet.
For one the government should stop paying for our schools and start letting the state pay for there own schools. Second, We need to cut wale fair but give the people that are on it a two year notice that we are cutting wale fair. But if they want a basic collage degree the Government should help them through it but when they Graduate we should cut it. But we should not totally cut Wale fair we should only give it to people that are in real trouble but tell them that they can only be on Wale fair for two years and in that two years they can not be sitting on there butts, they have to be looking for a job.
Also, people are getting sue happy they are suing the schools for there children mistakes. People are just looking for any way to not work. Like Wale fair. But it is time we start focusing on what we need as a Country to get back on your feet.
Plus, America needs to stop relaying on other countries to make clothes,guns, and computer parts, cars etc..... We as a Country need to put up plants to make the U.S. Independent again. Also, people need to stop buying stuff that they can not afford or but stuff on credit. Unless they can pay it off in a timely manor.
Lets talk about the schools we need to stop testing that is unnecessary. Like the state run ones like where I live we need to stop the Paws testing and the Map testing, and start focusing on the core classes. So that when kids get older and go to collage they will be able to speak there mind effectively and not look like a bunch of idiots. And when they get out of collage they can help America get out of debt, but to be honest we will never be able to get out of debt. But, we can at least not get in to more debt, or at least pay a little of it off.
Also, the government needs to stop printing money, because the American dollar keeps going down with every dollar that the American government prints. I think that with these times that it would be a good idea for people to buy gold and silver and other types of investments. And to get America back on our feet with every law that we pass we should get rid of 1 with as many laws that we are trying to pass, our government right now are making laws left and right. It's like they are trying to bind America!!!! But it is ultimately, readers to get America back on track we need to elect good people that are willing to try and try to help America.
If you want to learn more about the economy please visit my other posts.

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