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Saturday, February 19, 2011

How does Obama Think He can get America Going with the health care bill?

How does Obama Think That He Can Get America Going
With The Health Care Bill. Part 1

Obama thinks that the Health Care Bill will help improve the Nations Economy But it will not. For one, all the good doctors will be leaving because they will not be getting any money. And have you ever seen the U.K's hospitals? Well if you have that is what will happen to America's hospitals if the Health Care Bill goes into effect.
Also, If a old person gets a heart attack that person will not get any care! But if a kid needing a check will get the care before the person that had the heart attack. Plus, the patients get minimum care. It is true that not everybody doesn't have health insurance, but it is not the governments job to make sure everybody does get health insurance.
Plus, Taxes will be raised high to pay for the health care bill, and they are already high with what Obwww.the-economy-blog.blogsite.comama is doing.
But if we don't pass it, this is the guarantee that your premium will go up about 3,100 dollars yearly,and your employees will cost you more, because the American government is broke.

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