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Saturday, February 19, 2011

The Economys Presidents Bush Or Obama?

The Economy's Presidents Bush Or Obama?
Many of you might have wanted Bush out of office and get Obama in, well I’m not hear to tell you which one you should want, buts lets take a closer look with what Obama is doing, and what Bush has done.
Bush: How he went about the war in Iraq was good the first time, but he should have finished the job the first time so people would not have to be over there, while people back home are wondering if they will make it home!Lets go back to the subject of Bush taking our troops to war. But, That war was necessary, because the terrorists attacked us with 9-11. And Bush was defending the U.S. And some of you might be thinking well he got 4 thousand people killed in Iraq, but every military person knows that they are going into a combat zone where they could be killed. They knew that before they signed up! And don't get me wrong the losses that we are suffering from that war is a tragedy, but that is the price of war. I to would like to get the troops back myself but we need to finish the job.
Bush wanted to cut 14 billion dollars worth of programs to keep the U.S. On track and cut the deficit in half by 2009! But unfortunately, the deficit is going uo instead of going down.
Plus, the no child left behind act he made was honestly I think was not the best idea, because the kids that are ready to move on they can't they have to stay behind till that kid gets the concept.
Also, Bush wanted to out law abortion, because I think that it should get outlawed. For one, when you get an abortion it is murder! Some of you might think well the child is not born yet so he isn't alive. But, that is not true. Once the sperm hits the egg a child is developed, not fully developed, but developed enough to be called living. Now lets go to Obama.

Obama: Obama isn't doing to good on getting the troops out of Iraq like he said he would, and got the noble peace price. I think that Obama should not have got that till he got the troops out of Iraq. Or if he ever does. Now some people might think that Obama is destroying the economy by raising the taxes, and spending to much money, and increasing the size of government.
While others believe that he is helping the economy. Some are saying that his bills that he has passed are helping, and that he is aggressive and willing to work to get this country back on track.
Obama wants to spend billions on clean energy, education, and high-speed internet. Now like I said on one of my other blogs you have to have the money to spend money. And right now the Government is broke, and we can't afford to do what he is wanting to do! Obama won the election by a ton of votes. And my views on why people elected him is because people wanted change, and he was talking all about change.

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