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Saturday, February 19, 2011

How does Obama plan to get American going Part 2. Stimulus Package

How Does Obama Plan To Get America Going. Part 2.
Stimulus Package?

Obama wants to make a stimulus package that will help the economy, but that stimulus will cost 782.2 Billion dollars! But what people need to get is that you can not just spend Billions of dollars without raises peoples taxes.
So instead of making a 782.2 Billion dollar stimulus package he could have paid everybody in the U.S 20,000 dollars, and that would've boosted the economy.
Or he could have made a tax that you pay 20 cents on every dollar that you make, for 5-10 years and then the American debt would be or close to be paid off! But everybody would have to pay for the 20 cents tax on every dollar that you make not just the middle class people, not just the lower class people but everybody rich, poor, or in the middle! Plus, if we wanted to pay off the Americans debt the government could not just spend that money on other thing. Just putting that money in a safe spot and then pay off the debt from there. And the only big problem is, is that the U.S government is broke!
Also, what we could do is we should stop tax write offs, because people are just looking for ways to not pay for taxes and then get a reimbursement for that tax write off. When people that did not do a tax write off they are not getting a full reimbursement!
And because of the tax write off the government is not getting money that they should to pay for the stuff that they need to pay for like paying China, France, Germany Etc... Were paying those counties to make your stuff. Now I have no problem with that but they are independent and we should be like them!

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